The message of whom? From when? Why «rediscovered»? Was it lost? By whom? Why? How?
The Message Rediscovered, by Louis Cattiaux, is a book that chooses its readers. It has evoked great enthusiasm among many, but also, among others, rejection, boredom, or suspicion.
How can we define it? Not everyone will read it in the same way. The name of the book indicates the nature of its content: the message; the message of whom? From when? Why «rediscovered»? Was it lost? By whom? Why? How? Why was this title chosen by the author of these verses?
Without doubt, he is drawing on inspiration. Can it be discerned on these pages, at times difficult, enigmatic, tedious for some, but often also moving in their warmth, of a childlike poetry, faith and simplicity? Who are those readers who shall discern in this work a wisdom of unity as old as humanity itself: a wisdom of holiness, a wisdom of salvation? The Message Rediscovered is as though one were to say: the Revitalized Mystery; no longer taught in laboured fashion by historians, but experienced, assimilated and lived in the simplicity of the heart and of the spirit.
One must know how to leaf at random through these pages of phrases «condensed like liquid air», and therefore, surprisingly easy to read, where not a single word is superfluous, but all is arranged in a single sense that does not reveal itself on a first reading.
What can I say about The Message Rediscovered, I who has been reading it for thirty years, and who still finds it new? It is a vade mecum, that of exiles, a compass for those who are lost, the companion of the pilgrim.
Its author lived unknown, even to those who believed to know him. He conceived this book in the silence and abandonment of this world, he formed and polished the verses day after day, with a savoir-faire as graceful as it was scholarly.
Read in it, then, the faith of the Creator in his creature, you who experience, in this ending of a world, the fatigue and wearing away of all subtleties! You will like this book if you prefer the thing to words, wisdom that unites to unspeakable science, awareness to delirium. These verses are not impenetrable: they speak only to that part of us that is the most essential, and often – alas! – the most neglected or the most despised. That is why few appreciate it.
It is such people that the publishers of the Third Edition of Le Message Retrouvé wish to serve, those who are weary of a world without any loop-hole of escape, of a world more and more estranged from that which is truly human, of a world where the ancient wisdom appears derisory and useless. Those shall see that only one man was needed…