The Message Rediscovered.

This section aims to introduce the seeker to the masterwork of Louis Cattiaux, «The Message Rediscovered». To this end, we have gathered presentations and reflections from various authors on this work.

The Message Rediscovered was written for the glory of God and for the service of mankind. It is intended for all believers of good will. It presents an initiation and a mysticism that are closely intertwined, forming the very teaching of religion. It is not a new revelation in the fashion of our time, but a reminder of the ancient tradition contained in the holy Scriptures. The reader will discover the mystery of the fall of man in this world, the physical and moral consequences of this fall, and the means of his bodily and spiritual regeneration, through the mysterious path that leads to resurrection.

Louis Cattiaux

Wisdom is as rare in Tibet as it is in Paris. However, it may flourish everywhere, without anyone suspecting it.

«Here is the full edition of The Message Rediscovered, of which Louis Cattiaux published only a small part during his lifetime, prefaced by Lanza del Vasto.

A painter, poet, and passionate about hermeticism, Louis Cattiaux was a seeker and a visionary. His book contains all the ancient gnosis renewed, but not betrayed, expressed in a new and still unheard-of style; a hard and difficult book but capable of captivating both the simplest and the most demanding in this matter, accessible to all.

In a century where widespread ignorance regarding the given of traditional Revelation breeds only fanaticism or incredulity, many describe to us, with expertise and at the cost of long erudition, the traits of ancient wisdom studied from the outside, but very few, like the author of this book, speak to us of that same wisdom tested from within. This was indeed the meaning once given to the term Sapience. Perhaps this was also what was still lacking in the men of our time, learned, educated, and too cunning: to rediscover the ancient message of past centuries, not in its appearance or in its external symbols, but in its very essence and substance, savored in the silence of a humble and concentrated life.

This extraordinary concentration of thought in The Message Rediscovered expressed through often very brief sentences, contains a hidden force comparable to that of the most powerful explosives, or, more precisely, to that of the seeds of our greatest trees. This power of concentration does not always surface; it is all underground. It is a thought that, instead of unfolding, rolls up into a ball, so to speak, to gradually make us sprout in the air of the great experiences of the divine adventure.

Such is The Message Rediscovered, which owes its inspiration to no human book, although it contains the substance of the holiest among them, but a substance that the author had first incorporated, that he had made his own, just as we do with our daily food. This may be what gives this book such an air of strength, health, and also holiness. What, more precisely, is the object of this book? The author simply tells us: « It is a sinner who speaks, an ordinary man who seeks God in the middle of the inconveniences of the world, with a wretched profession, without the encouragement or the aid of anyone. So that the most imprisoned, the most abandoned and the most destitute might take courage and not despair of reaching the hidden kingdom that delivers from all sadness, all misery and all evil». (MR 3734, 34’). We could not add anything that reveals more candidly to the reader the nature of this fraternal message, rediscovered by a man of our time and transmitted by him to those who are willing to receive it ».

The Message Rediscovered.




as ELEVATED as the Egyptian Book of the Dead,
as PROFOUND as the Tao Te Ching,
as WISE as the Vedas,
as HOLY as the Bible,
as SACRED as the Zend Avesta,
as FRATERNAL as the Gospels,
as CLEAR as the Epistles,
as COMPASSIONATE as the Tripitaka,
as SCHOLARLY as the Kabbalah,
as PRECISE as the Talmud,
as AMAZING as the Apocalypse,
as SECRET as the books of Hermes,
as ENTHUSIASTIC as the Koran,
as STRIPPED as the Imitation,

And yet is resembles none of those works, even though it embodies all of them in an original form and in extraordinary language. Divine science and love inextricably intertwined in the knowledge of God. The Book of the end of time, but above all, the Book of the new times.
Discover the evolution of a timeless work

The Message Rediscovered - A fundamental text that transcends the ages and inspires generations of spiritual seekers and lovers of truth.